
Do I Need an Anchorage Personal Injury Attorney for Facet Joint Syndrome?

  Many people have never heard of Facet Joint Syndrome, although the condition affects millions of people each year.   If you are a victim of FJS due to the aftermath of an accident, a personal injury attorney may be able to help you understand your rights and collect compensation to pay for treatment for this condition. What Is Facet Joint Syndrome? Facet joint syndrome is a condition of the spine.   It is similar to arthritis in that it is degenerative or causes changes to the spine’s structure over time.   Specifically, it causes a breakdown of the cartilage in the facet joint, the tiny area between the vertebra and the spinous process.   The facet joint is responsible for a great deal of the movement and flexibility of the spine, so injuries to or degeneration of this joint can cause stiffness, pain and swelling. The symptoms of FJS often start out as a dull ache in the lower back that spreads to the hips.   FJS can also occur in the neck, where it often radiates pain to the

Most Common Injuries From a Car Accident

Almost every driver in Alaska has gotten into at least one fender bender in their lives. Luckily, many of these mishaps don’t require a car accident lawyer or personal injury attorney. But if you’ve gotten into a more serious crash in Alaska, you may have been severely hurt and thus in need of an injury lawyer. We have decades of experience working with victims of Auto Accidents in Alaska , so we’ve seen plenty of injuries. Here are a few of the most common. Whiplash Whiplash is one of the most common injuries in a car accident, particularly rear-end car accidents. The Mayo Clinic defines whiplash as “a neck injury due to forceful, rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, like the cracking of a whip.” Most cases of whiplash simply require a doctor’s checkup, not necessarily a call to a personal injury attorney. Scrapes and Cuts When in an auto accident, there may have been shattered glass, broken car parts, or various objects in the car flying around that could cause scra